Sai Ganesh School Bus is a prominent school transportation service operator in India. With a considerable reach, the service covers 15 cities in India, facilitating the daily commute of more than 25,000 school students. Sai Ganesh School Bus is known for maintaining high safety standards, punctuality, and convenience.


The transportation fees amount varies from ₹1,000 to ₹60,000, depending on various factors such as the the distance covered, payment schedule, additional services provided, or the duration of the service.

  • 1. Distance Traveled
  • 2. Number of Stops. More stops along the route could potentially increase the cost due to increased time and fuel consumption.
  • 3. Additional Services: If the bus service offers additional services like tracking app, etc. it could also impact the pricing.
  • 4. Duration of Service: Pricing might also consider the length of time the service is required, such as a full academic year versus a shorter term.